This is so new to me and yet very enticing. I love to write journals, but have never been good at keeping up with them. But I figured, to keep everyone informed on what's going on in my ministry this would be the best way to share.
Just so you know, God has given me a crazy passion for missions & a true longing to spread Christ's love to the nations. My hope is that one day everyone gets the opportunity to experience grace and have a knowledge or at least an understanding of Christ's unconditional love. What better way to show that then to go. That's what God has called me to do, and so I've learned not to ask questions just do it.
My journey just this year has been one of growth and maturity. God has taken me out of my comfort zone and shown me how to live a life of total abandonment. This is not my life. This is not my body. It's Christ living through me. It's crazy when you ask God to use you what He is capable of. I have been put in uncomfortable possible even dangerous situations and come out thinking, 'Wow! You are in control! Not my will, but Yours be done.' My hope is that every Christian gets to experience something like that, not being put in a dangerous situation but, being stretched and having to fully rely on God.
I'm going to sign off with a quote from Walter Wilson that kind of exemplifies the life I want to live...
"Lord I give You this body of mine; from my head to my feet, I give it to You. My hands, my limbs, my eyes, my brain; all that I am inside and out, I hand over to You. Live in and through me whatever life You please. You may send this body to Africa, or lay it on a bed with cancer. You may blind my eyes, or send me with Your message to Tibet. You make take this body to the Eskimos, or send it to a hospital with pneumonia. This body of mine is Yours alone from this moment on."